Resources to help Tasmania’s playgroups and families thrive

Playgroup Tasmania children

Every child has the right to “ … rest and leisure, to engage in play and recreational activities appropriate to the age of the child … “

Article 31, United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC)
Playgroup Tasmania children

Leisure time and developmental play give children time to engage with each other through self-exploration and self-expression.

At playgroups their parents and caregivers also benefit by playing with their children, observing other families and socialising with other parents and caregivers.

Playgroup Tasmania supports more than 500 members and thousands of Tasmanian families who benefit from access to playgroup activities in their local areas. We do this, in part, by providing leadership and expertise to playgroup workers and volunteers.

Now, let’s get to work so we’re all ready to play!

As an active part of Tasmania’s playgroup network we know you work to make sure child safety and wellbeing sit at the centre of all playgroups.

We’ve put together this resource hub to support playgroup leaders in all that you do.

You’ll find information, tips and resources on a wide range of topics.

And we give you the opportunity to test and reinforce what you learn as you move through the different sections.

You can also use these tools in face-to-face workshops. Contact us to find out more.

Get in touch
Playgroup Tasmania children
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Playgroup Tasmania Toolkit

This site provides access to the Playgroup Tasmania Toolkit which has online information and resources to help run safe, welcoming and fun playgroups.

Get started
This site provides support for you to complete the following learning modules:

Module 1: How to create welcoming, safe (inclusive) spaces for your parents and children

You will learn:

  • from different cultural and linguistic groups
  • with developmental differences
  • with disabilities
  • who are part of our LGBTQIA+ community.
Explore Module 1

Module 2: Ensuring playgroups are child safe, child friendly spaces

You will learn:

  • what ‘child safe’ and ‘child friendly’ mean at playgroups
  • responsibilities of playgroup leaders, staff and volunteers, and
  • the processes to follow to support playgroups to be child safe spaces.
Explore Module 2